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7月16日,“新发展 可持续——2021中国社会责任高峰论坛IFCII”在上海成功举办。2021IFCII是由中国普惠金融研究院(CAFI)主办,第一财经研究院和上海交通大学上海高级金融学院联合主办。在前沿讲坛环节,摩根大通可持续发展全球主管 Marisa Buchanan发表演讲。




大家好,我是摩根大通可持续发展全球主管 Marisa Buchanan。感谢中国社会责任投资高峰论坛让我们齐聚一堂,参加重要的开幕会议。

今年,摩根大通很荣幸地庆祝我们历史上的一个重要里程碑——在中国开展业务 100 周年!我们于 1921 年在上海开设了第一家分公司。随着全球贸易的蓬勃发展,我们希望为中国和整个亚太地区的客户提供支持。在过去的 100 年里,世界取得了巨大的经济增长,包括中国自身的重大转变。我们很荣幸能够在这一过程中发挥我们的作用,并期待继续支持我们在亚太地区的客户。









Hi, I’m Marisa Buchanan, Global Head of Sustainability for J.P. Morgan Chase. Thank you to the International Forum of China Impact Investing for bringing us all together for this important, inaugural meeting.


This year, J.P. Morgan is honored to celebrate another significant milestone in our history – 100 years in China. We opened our first branch in Shanghai in 1921. As global trade boomed, we looked to support our clients in China and across Asia Pacific. Over the past 100 years, the world has witnessed enormous economic growth, including China’s own significant transformation. We are honored to be playing our part in this transformation and look forward to continuing supporting our clients in the region.


As a financial institution, we know we have an important role to play in advancing both a sustainable and an inclusive economy – it’s not just the right thing to do, it also makes good business sense.


There are a few ways for doing that:


Last year, we announced a Paris aligned financing commitment where we've committed to align key sectors of our financing portfolio with the climate goals of the Paris agreement. Just recently, we were proud to have released our very first carbon targets for three key industry, sectors oil and gas, electric power and automotive manufacturing. We are also growing our capacity within our own business to support our clients and their sustainability and low carbon journeys. We've created two new business units, the center for carbon transition and a green economy team to support our clients, the small, medium and large around the world with access to finance as well as advisory solutions and research, all tailored to really support our clients and their efforts to advance their own sustainability objectives.


Now, we also know that it's gonna be critical to invest in the development and commercialization of new technologies that will help get the world on the path towards the climate goals of Paris. We know that capital is critically important to that objective. This is a key reason why we were proud to have recently announced a ten-year $2.5 trillion target designed to support companies and projects, advancing goals of sustainable development around the world. And that includes a $1 trillion target to support companies and projects, advancing sustainable development, as well as climate solutions. We're also committed to transparency around our environmental, social, and governance performance. And we're proud to have recently released our latest ESG report, which discusses the way that JP Morgan is managing a whole suite of ESG issues, as well as how we're using the strength of our business to contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth around the world.


Now as we're growing our capacity to address these issues, we're committed to helping our clients in China and the rest of the world do the same. We've been so pleased to support so many of our clients in China. When it comes to issuing green, social and sustainability bonds, we've been really proud to have helped underwrite a total of nearly $8 billion for our clients in China when it comes to green, social and sustainability bonds. Going forward, we look forward to doing more. There's huge opportunity, huge ambition within China, and we are proud to be a partner supporting so many of our clients in the region with these objectives.


Thank you for the opportunity to join you today. I wish you the best and look forward to an exciting conference. Thank you.









275篇文章 2年前更新

(Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion at Renmin University of China,简称CAFI)是在中国人民大学小微金融研究中心(2014年底成立)基础上建立的一家新型研究机构。CAFI致力于打造一流的专业智库和行业交流平台,推动普惠金融体系建设,实现“好金融与好社会”的愿景。 CAFI专注学术研究,探索普惠金融相关领域前瞻性倡导活动;汇聚国内外资源,开展研究与倡导、交流与合作、教育与能力建设以及创新与实践,为行业实践者和研究者、政策制定者与监管者提供支持。 CAFI拥有一支由行业资深学者和专家领衔的国际化专业团队。CAFI设有理事会和学术顾问委员会,成员分别来自监管机构、知名商业机构和国内外研究机构。CAFI的战略合作伙伴包括Visa公司、蚂蚁金服集团、中国民生银行、宜信普惠及飞贷金融科技等国内外知名机构。现任院长由贝多广教授担任,赵锡军教授担任联席院长。
