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7月16日,“新发展 可持续——2021中国社会责任高峰论坛IFCII”在上海成功举办。2021IFCII是由中国普惠金融研究院(CAFI)主办,第一财经研究院和上海交通大学上海高级金融学院联合主办。在前沿讲坛环节,联合国责任投资原则组织(PRI)首席执行官Fiona Reynolds发表演讲。



大家好,我是Fiona Reynolds,责任投资原则(PRI) 的首席执行官。首先向那些不熟悉 PRI的朋友,简单介绍一下PRI。2006年,PRI在联合国系统之外成立,是一个由全球86个资产所有者组成的小而坚定的团体,旨在将可持续性带到资本市场。今天,我们代表全球超过 4,000 名签署人的负责任投资界,共同遵循我们六项(负责任投资)原则,他们管理着超过 121 万亿美元的资产,占到全球机构管理资产的一半以上。在过去的 15 年里,PRI 签署者数量确实迅速增长,这包括在中国大陆现有的60 多个签署者。6 月,我们欢迎泰康保险集团成为我们的第 4,000 家签约方。我们的签约方还包括中国最大的保险公司和资产管理公司,其中包括华夏基金、嘉实和易方达等数家中国前十大公募基金管理公司。

近年来,很高兴看到中国投资者真正迅速接受 ESG,并且中国在绿色金融方面保持着领先地位。去年,我们欢迎中国做出了到 2060 年实现“碳中和”的承诺。现在,可持续发展问题开始进入中国的主流,为实现我们的经济、环境和社会目标带来真正的潜力。在过去的十年中,尤其是在过去的三到五年中,我们看到,无论是 ESG 投资策略的采用,还是负责任投资理念和实践的主流化和成熟化,都显著加速。随着世界继续努力应对新冠疫情,到 2030 年实现可持续发展目标(SDGs), 以及实现“碳中和”目标的紧迫性实际上只会增加。由于气候变化、收入不平等和劳工权利等许多问题的关注度和紧迫性不断提高,利益相关者(包括受益人、客户、政府和监管机构)对投资者的期望正在发生变化。


作为第一步,我们推出了一个由五个部分组成的、依据可持续发展目标成果进行投资的框架。我们现在正在协助签署方,努力推进每一次投资行动,都能够按照建议的框架,实现符合可持续发展目标的成果。此外,本月晚些时候,我们将启动一项名为“影响力报告法律框架”的旗舰计划。它是与我们的姊妹组织PFI(Project Finance International)和Generation Foundation合作完成的。这个计划旨在阐明,当投资者为了对我们人类和星球产生积极影响进行投资时,这些投资实际上意味着什么,以及与财务回报的关系是什么。报告还提供了来自 11 个国家和地区的法律分析,为金融政策改革奠定了基础。我们需要将市场和经济重新定位,向着“碳中和”,以及包容性、可持续的经济增长前进。

当然,鉴于我们面临的挑战的规模,投资者无法单独解决这些问题,因此需要鼓励整个金融部门、政府和其他主要利益相关者的合作。这包括对我们的成功至关重要的新兴市场。为了在 2030 年截止日期前实现联合国目标,投资非常重要,特别是在新兴市场,这些市场往往受到气候变化的更大影响。新兴市场将在实现可持续发展目标方面发挥重要作用。在PRI,我们看到自 2020 年以来总部位于新兴市场的签署方数量增长了 50% 以上,联合国贸易与发展会议 的世界投资报告估计,从 2015 年起到2030年,全球每年将需要 5 到 7 万亿美元的资金,来推进实现可持续发展目标。其中,发展中国家每年需要 3.5 至 4.5 万亿。资本流入仍不足以推动这一变化,每年缺口在2.5至3万亿美元之间。

时间窗口正在迅速缩短,我们需要走到正确的道路上,与《巴黎协定》的目标保持一致,并确保获取可持续发展目标所需的资金和支持,尤其是在新兴市场。很明显,我们确实需要走得更快、更远。这就是为什么我们在 PRI 的一项关键举措是支持对新兴市场的负责任投资。我们将努力促进当地投资者的负责任投资实践,并鼓励以 ESG 为目标的资本流入这些市场。在中国,我们将通过推动对 ESG 披露的强制性要求,继续支持投资者将 ESG 问题纳入其投资实践。此外,从今年开始,我们已经在开展工作,支持中国投资者将可持续发展成果纳入其投资实践,并在福特基金会的支持下,制定将更广泛的可持续发展议题纳入金融体系的政策建议。我们期待继续与中国的投资者、政府和机构合作,与中国普惠金融研究院一起,推动负责任的投资主流化,驱动积极的可持续成果,为所有人建设一个更加繁荣的世界。




Greetings, everyone, I’m Fiona Reynolds and the CEO of the Principles for Responsible Investment or PRI for short. And firstly, for those of you who are not familiar with the PRI, just a very quick introduction, the PRI was formed in 2006, out of the UN system by a small but committed group of 86 global asset owners aiming to bring sustainability to capital markets. And today we represent the global responsible investment community with more than 4,000 signatories to our six principles, who collectively represent over 121 trillion us in assets, under management. And this is more than half of the world's institutionally managed assets. The PRI signatory base has really grown rapidly over the past 15 years and this includes in mainland China, where we now have more than 60 signatories. In June, we welcome Tai Kang insurance group as our 4,000 signatories and our signatory base also includes the largest Chinese insurers and asset management companies, including several of China's top 10 mutual fund managers, such as China AMC, Harvest, and E fund.


It's been great to see the really rapid uptake of ESG by Chinese investors in recent years and the country's continued leadership on green finance. Last year, we welcomed China's commitment to net zero by 2060. Now for the first time, sustainability issues are beginning to enter the mainstream in China, bringing with it real potential to make progress towards our economic, environmental, and social goals. Over the past decade, but particularly in the last three to five years, we've seen a shift with a significant acceleration in the uptake of ESG investing and both the mainstream and maturing of responsible investment philosophies and practices. As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, the urgency to deliver the sustainable development goals, the SDGs, by 2030 and to meet net zero climate targets has really only grown. Expectations of investors from stakeholders, including beneficiaries, clients, governments, and regulators are shifting, driven by increased visibility and urgency around many issues such as climate change, income inequality, and labor rights.


But in order to support meeting the SDGs, investors must really understand how they can increase the positive outcomes and decrease the negative outcomes arising from their actions. By shaping real-world outcomes alongside risk and return, investors can play an important role in addressing issues that seriously threatened the long-term performance of economies, portfolios, and the world into which we all live and our beneficiaries, which wish to retire. And so to help our signatories better understand how to shape outcomes, we've launched our current three-year strategy under the theme of building a bridge between financial risk, opportunities, and real world outcomes. Alongside our core work on investment practices and frameworks, we will support the evolution of the investment industry. Increasingly, we see investors recognizing feedback loops between the real economy and financial markets where the outcomes they shape directly impact the risks and opportunities they face. So this strategy will help those signatory seeking to understand what this looks like in practice, how to integrate and measure outcomes while remaining firmly grounded in fiduciary duty and the broader role of investors in society.


As a first step, we've launched a five-part framework on investing with SDG outcomes. We're now working to assist signatories, seeking to shape outcomes in line with the SDGs across the proposed framework per each of the investor actions, as well as supporting disclosure and reporting. In addition, later this month, we're launching one of our flagship programs called a legal framework for impact report. And it's been done in collaboration with our sister organization, you know, PFI and with the Generation Foundation, it sets out to clarify what investing for sustainability impact actually means, when investors can seek to achieve positive impact on people and the planet and how this relates to delivering financial returns. The paper also provides a legal analysis from 11 jurisdictions and lays the foundation for the financial policy reforms. We need to reorientate markets and economies towards net zero and inclusive, sustainable economic growth.


Of course, given the scale of the challenges we face, investors cannot tackle these problems alone, so encouraging collaboration across the entire finance sector, as well as with governments and other key stakeholders. This includes emerging markets, which will be critical to our success. To hit the UN goals by 2030 by that deadline, investment is solely needed, especially in emerging markets, which tend to be disproportionately impacted by climate change. Emerging markets will play an important role in achieving the sustainability goals. And at the PRI we've seen more than 50% growth in the number of signatories who are headquartered in emerging markets since 2020, the world investment report by UNCTAD estimates that between five and 7 trillion us dollars will be needed globally every year from 2015 to 2030 to finance progress towards the SDGs. Out of this, 3.5 to 4.5 trillion is needed in developing countries. The capital inflows are still insufficient to drive this change with an annual shortfall of between 2.5 and 3 trillion US dollars.


There is a rapidly decreasing window of time to get things right, to align with the goals of the Paris agreement and ensure the SDGs get the funding and support they need, especially in emerging markets. It's clear that we really need to go further, faster, and this is why a key initiative for us at the PRI is supporting responsible investment in emerging markets. We'll work to strengthen the responsible investment practices of local investors and encourage the flow of ESG focused capital into these markets. In China, we'll be continuing to support investors to incorporate ESG issues into their investment practices by promoting mandatory requirements on ESG disclosures. In addition, starting this year, we are undertaking work to support Chinese investors in incorporating sustainability outcomes into their investment practices and are developing policy recommendations for incorporating wider sustainability issues into the financial system, with the support of the Ford foundation. We look forward to continuing to work with investors, government and institutions, such as the CAFI in China to mainstream responsible investment, drive positive sustainability outcomes and help build a more prosperous world for all. So thank you for having me. I'm sorry we couldn't all be together in person and please stay safe and well.










275篇文章 2年前更新

(Chinese Academy of Financial Inclusion at Renmin University of China,简称CAFI)是在中国人民大学小微金融研究中心(2014年底成立)基础上建立的一家新型研究机构。CAFI致力于打造一流的专业智库和行业交流平台,推动普惠金融体系建设,实现“好金融与好社会”的愿景。 CAFI专注学术研究,探索普惠金融相关领域前瞻性倡导活动;汇聚国内外资源,开展研究与倡导、交流与合作、教育与能力建设以及创新与实践,为行业实践者和研究者、政策制定者与监管者提供支持。 CAFI拥有一支由行业资深学者和专家领衔的国际化专业团队。CAFI设有理事会和学术顾问委员会,成员分别来自监管机构、知名商业机构和国内外研究机构。CAFI的战略合作伙伴包括Visa公司、蚂蚁金服集团、中国民生银行、宜信普惠及飞贷金融科技等国内外知名机构。现任院长由贝多广教授担任,赵锡军教授担任联席院长。
